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Founder Chairman's Message

It’s a matter of pride to be the chairman of an entity like SIMEC Institute of Technology which works for improving research, training, and technological based education in Bangladesh. This Institute is part of my dream to establish an educational relationship between Bangladesh and Japan to ensure educational quality by preparing a skilled Bangladeshi generation.

I am certain that the technical cooperation between Japan and Bangladesh, as shown by this Institute, may play a critical role in the country’s growth. This institute is dedicated to research, education, technical advancement. All of the researchers, trainees, and students have a bright future ahead of them.

Sardar Md. Shaheen
M. Sc. Engg. (Japan)
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President's Message

I am very much delighted to be the President of SIMEC Institute of Technology which is built through the concerted efforts of Japan and Bangladesh to improve the level of research, training, and technology-based education. The Institute provides real education and training to make humans in resources.

At SIMEC Institute of Technology, we strive to instill confidence in our graduates so that they may achieve their full potential. We feel that by receiving the necessary education from us, students will surely improve their work opportunities both at home and abroad. I wish the student/researcher the best of luck in their future endeavors.

Prof. Dr. Monirul Islam
Ph.D. in Engg. (Japan)

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