

Dr. Ratan Kumar Roy

Dr Ratan Kumar Roy worked as a Research Fellow at the Centre for Culture, Media & Governance, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi. He was a residency research fellow in Asia Culture Centre, Korea in 2018. He received Doctoral award from the Department of Sociology, South Asian University (A University Established by SAARC Nations), New Delhi. His book titled Television in Bangladesh: News and Audiences has been published by Routledge, London. Besides, he has authored some book chapters and articles in reputed journals. Currently he is working on several book projects on transcultural communication, visual culture and television public. Dr. Roy’s research and teaching interests are anthropology of media, visual culture and communication, media and social movement, communication research methods, media and culture in contemporary South Asia, media ethnography and digital media culture. He is a member of the early career scholars advisory committee of IVSA (International Visual Sociology Association) and International Fellow member of AICMA (All India Communication and Media Association), New Delhi.
